Sunday, May 3, 2009

EXTRA CREDIT POST 1 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie review

Being someone that has never watched an X-Men movie, or read any of the comic books, I was not planning on going to see the new X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie. So when I was given this assignment I was not as excited about it as some of my classmates. My husband who enjoys these types of movies said he was willing to sacrifice a Saturday night to go with me for the sake of my education. So I went into the theater with my popcorn and soda in hand took my seat. I had no idea what to expect and worried that because I did not have any background or prior knowledge of what or who X-Men were all about, I would be lost and not understand the movie.
I have to say that I enjoyed the Wolverine movie a lot more than I thought I would and was able to follow the plot with no problem. Truthfully, I was surprised of all the negative reviews I have heard about for this movie. It had action, revenge, romance, betrayal and suspense. Although I found the Wolverine movie to be predictable it was also exciting and entertaining. But that's an opinion from somebody who doesn't know anything about X-Men.

To me the Wolverine movie was mainly about a love/hate relationship between two stepbrothers Wolverine and Victor. Within the first twenty minutes I learn that these two main characters are half brothers and both possess super human powers that keep them from being killed. Although both brothers took separate paths, wolverine good, Victor not so good, I think they both were doing what they thought was right for their country in their own way.
The movie had an array of colorful characters that kept it interesting. From a mutant that grows long metal knives out of his hand to a morbidly obese mutant that is sensitive about his weight.
In the end of the movie you can see the true human side of Wolverine by his reaction to the dead body of his girlfriend. Although he had no memory of her there was clearly an attraction and a familiar feeling when he looked at her that was drawing him to her.

There were a few things that I did not understand or think could have been written better and maybe these questions will be answered in the other X-Men movies.
1 –When the youngest brother killed the father the older brother was not angry with him?
2- With all of the attention that was given to the older couple’s son. They never said what happened to their son. It would have added to the story if they said that their son had begun to get sick and showed signs of having powers and that the government took him away or that he served in the military and the military said that he was killed in action but that they believe the government is hiding him somewhere because he had unexplained powers. And then when Wolverine set the others free, he found their son.
Overall I would recommend the movie to anyone that enjoys an action movie. I also plan to watch the other X-Men movies so that maybe some of these questions will be answered.

Image from IMP Awards

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